Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hello and Welcome!

First off to all two or three of you that have happened on this blog my accident or happenstance, thanks! Secondly, if you're not a fan of Seinfeld, you'll have no idea the meaning of the title of this blog...but if you're interested, check out Season 7, Episode 12, The Caddy. All your questions will be answered and why Frank Costanza and I are on the same wavelength...the trade in case you're curious?

July 21, 1988- Jay Buhner, Rich Balabon and Troy Evers traded to the Yankees for Ken Phelps.
" This trade is often considered one of the worst made by the Yankees of that period, and the best in Mariner history.[1] " Thanks Wikipedia
for that tidbit! "He had 30 home runs and over 100 RBI's last year....you don't know what the hell you're doing!!" Frank Costanza might be speaking for the Yankee public this winter if they don't make a move on Johan Santana this winter...in this part of the country for all the Twins fans, they've been on pins and needles this winter waiting to see what's going to happen. They've already lost their favorite player, Torri Hunter as an unrestricted free agent to the Angels.(Irony of Ironies time...Twins season opener at the Homerdome vs. the Angels, March 31st.) They pulled a trade with Tampa getting big hitter and head case Delmon Young for another headcase Matt Garza...also got Brendan Harris, and from the world is really small department, I covered Brendan when I worked in Glens Falls, he's a 2001 grad of Queensbury High School, looks like I'll be covering him again this summer. While the Yankee fans want Johan badly, us Mets supporters need him more. Don't forget about the Shea Swoon this past September, the only reason that's been dwarfed this winter, is the A-Rod contract, Torre leaving and the Clemens saga. But if the Mets start slow this spring, Willie Randolph could be in serious trouble. The last article I read was on Newsday's website about this possible trade: http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/ny-spmets115533761jan11,0,2377835.story

If the Mets make this deal, they're a big favorite for the National League. If they don't they're in a dogfight in a hard division with the Phillies(who have the last 2 NL MVP's) and Braves, with a full year from Mark Texiera. Spring training is a month away, it's going to get fun between now and then.

I'd be remissed on this first posting not to have some hockey talk...while US cable is a barren wasteland similar to Hoth to find the NHL, I urge all of you to switch to DirecTV. I did almost a year ago, and besides getting my Center Ice back, they're also a little channel called the NHL Network. I was able to watch the best young players on the planet at the World Juniors early this month(where Canada crushed us again) but it also shows classic games, like '93 Penguins-Islanders, where the 2-time defending champs got beat by the likes of Pierre Turgeon, Ray Ferraro, Pat Flatley and Glenn Healey..a low moment for a Penguins fan like myself.

Couple of nerd notes that I feel the need to write about...with this writer's strike, it's depriving me of my favorite show on the air, 24 with Jack "Tell Me Where The Bomb Is!!" Bauer, but FOX(please say it like Kenny Albert) has brought us nerds Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It's pretty good, you've got to put out of your mind what you know about the movies, but plenty of action, and blowing up stuff which is always good. Next Friday, a certain movie is being released, you might have heard of it called Rambo. Yes that Rambo...John Jay Rambo..."Nothing is over!!!Nothing!" That Rambo...the one that falls off a cliff, thru a tree and only hurts his arm...The Rambo that shoots down an Afghan helicopter with a machine gun..I'm one of the biggest Rambo fans there are(not sure how proud I am of that fact) I have a First Blood poster..and I'll see it in the theater next week with my fingers crossed and hope it doesn't stink. Hey we can all hope right? Till next time!

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